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What are the qualities of good writing?

EXPERTS are of the view that sometimes, the hardest part of writing is coming up with ideas.
Most of the things that interest you — sports, music and clothes — are the source of an unlimited number of writing ideas.

Starting with an idea that interests you makes it more likely that you will produce a good piece of writing.

It is important, however, to consider whether readers or examiners will also find the idea interesting.

Even the best pieces of writing will not succeed if the audience is uninterested.

Once you have the ideas for a piece of writing, you must decide how to arrange them. Good writing has a clear and consistent organisation that suits the topic. For example, if you are telling a story, you will probably want to arrange your details chronologically, or in the order in which they occurred.

Before going further it is important that this comes at the beginning of the term when students are readying themselves for the year. They apply all this in their learning. There is the voice for improving the quality of writing. Voice refers to all the distinctive qualities of writing — from the type of language you use and the way you put together sentences and paragraphs to the ideas you like to write about and the attitude you convey to readers.

Not surprisingly, word choice is a key element of good handwriting.

By choosing words that capture your attitude toward your subject and convey your meaning as precisely as possible, you will ensure that whoever reads your work understands your points and will increase the likelihood that you can sway them to accept your viewpoint. In a piece of good writing, sentences seem to flow seamlessly from one to another.

Transitions make it clear how one sentence connects to the next. A variety of lengths, structures and openers help to create a rhythm that engages readers.

Finally, it is essential for a piece of writing to follow the conventions of English grammar, usage and mechanics. Errors in these areas will distract readers. These will affect the understanding of the students.

To continue to improve as a writer, it is important to take time to reflect after you complete a piece of writing.

The following are the stages of the process of writing. Pre-writing is the stage in which you explore possible topics, choose a topic, and then gather details you can include in your writing. Drafting involves putting ideas down on paper in a rough format. Revising is the stage in which you rework your rough raft to improve both its form and its content.

Editing and proofreading are the stages in which you polish your writing, fixing errors in grammar, spelling and mechanics. Prewriting acts as a preparation for writing by helping to flex and stretch your creative muscles, just as soccer players’ activities help prepare them for a meet or competition. Pre-writing serves as a mental warm-up. It consists of activities and strategies to get you started.

Choosing a topic

Obviously, you cannot create a piece of writing if you do not have a topic.

If a topic has not been assigned to you and if one does not immediately spring to mind, there are a variety of strategies you can use to generate possible topics.

Even the most interesting topic will not lead to an effective piece of writing if the topic is too broad. For example, if you chose “music” as your topic, you might not be able to cover it thoroughly unless you wrote a whole series of books.

However, if you narrowed this topic to focus on a certain genre, you would have a topic just right for a short paper.

Before you begin writing, it is important to identify your audience — the people or person who will read your work. Next- consider your purpose — the goal you wish to accomplish through your writing. Both your audience and purpose will affect your use of language and choice of details.

Think about what your audience knows about your topic, and consider the type of language that would suit them. For example, if you are writing a children’s story, your language and descriptions should be simple and clear.

On the other hand, if you are writing a personal essay for a college application, you should use more sophisticated language. Considering your purpose

Identify what you want to accomplish through your writing, for example.

You may want to influence readers to accept your point of view, or you may simply want to entertain and amuse your audience.

Keep your purpose in mind as you develop your writing and use language and details that will help you achieve this purpose.

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