Danisa Masuku
IN a dramatic incident which left imbibers shell-shocked, a Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) councillor for Ward 9 in Mpopoma suburb Donaldson Mabutho went haywire when he allegedly grabbed a resident by the neck before punching and kicking him for demanding his money.
The incident which left imbibers stunned happened at a beer garden in the suburb.
A witness said when Nyika Marufu (55) saw Cllr Mabutho (39) he confronted him leading to a misunderstanding.
“The councillor was sitting with elderly people when Marufu confronted him and demanded his R100 which he claimed he was owed by the councillor after he sold him a rechargeable battery,” said the witness.
The witness added: “The councillor leapt to his feet and grabbed Marufu by the neck before he punched and kicked him. He was restrained by some people who had gathered. After the assault Marufu left the beer hall heading to his house.”
Marufu confirmed the incident.
“I can confirm I was assaulted by the councillor and the matter is in the hands of the police.”
Reached for a comment Mabutho gave a different version and said: “I was invited to a beerhall and while I was sitting among imbibers chatting with them, Marufu came and sat next to me.
“While I was busy talking to people he stole US$320 and other particulars from my pocket. He then ran out of the beer hall and people who were in the beer hall pursued him and caught up with him before they assaulted him.”
He added: “After that he twisted the story and lied to the police that I owed him R100 but later he admitted that he stole from me and withdrew the case.”
Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.
He discouraged members of the public from resorting to violence when they are faced with disputes.