Crime Reporter
Police have arrested four suspected smugglers of second-hand clothes and shoes under the ongoing operation codenamed “No to smuggling”.
The four were intercepted at a roadblock along the Gweru-Mvuma Road.
Police recovered 33 bales of second-hand clothes and shoes.
National police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrests.
“On January 22, members of the police deployed at a roadblock along the Gweru–Mvuma Road intercepted a Lean Angels bus and arrested the bus driver, Bothwel William (41), as well as Casnos Rungwande (45), Rodrick Muyayiso (41) and Chris Mabhuya (26) for smuggling 33 bales of second-hand clothes and shoes. The bus was travelling from Mutare to Bulawayo,” he said.
Magaya High Court case ruling this afternoon
The case in which Walter Magaya is seeking to have the High Court stop the watershed ZIFA elections on Saturday will be determined this afternoon by Justice Tawanda Chitapi.Our Reporter…