Precious Manomano
Herald Reporter
Commercial pig slaughtering in 2024 reached an impressive 224 625, yielding 17 482 tonnes of meat, up from the 220 000 pigs slaughtered in 2023.
This is despite challenges posed by adverse weather conditions, like the El Niño-induced drought that led to shortages of stock feed.
According to the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, the commercial sow population was estimated at 128 819 in 2023, with a dedicated commercial herd of about 18 000.
Historical data from 2020 shows a steady increase in pig slaughters, from 180 000 in 2020 to 200 000 in 2021, and 220 000 in both 2022 and 2023. This upward trend underscores the resilience and potential of the pig farming sector in Zimbabwe.
In his weekly report, Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Services (ARDAS) chief director Mr Leonard Munamati said there is need for innovative strategies to enhance pig production.
“We are implementing reproductive management practices such as heat detection and breeding programmes,” he noted.
“Additionally, introducing improved genetics through artificial insemination and importing parent and grandparent stock for breeding purposes is crucial.”