Youth Focus with Dr Manners Msongelwa
YOU will always have problems in life. Challenges will come at school and home but have the capacity to overcome all these challenges. Learn to enjoy life while you solve them.
People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. While still young, decide good habits. Avoid bad friends and be a good student. Remember, the way you use your time today will determine your tomorrow.
In life, you can only control two things: your effort and your attitude. Always remember this.
Do not ask how to start. Begin, then ask how to improve. Start reading your books. Identify areas of weakness and try to improve on those areas. Do not give up, it is possible to pass at the end of the year.
Happiness has less to do with pleasure and more to do with purpose. Discover yourself and know your purpose. Know your gift and focus on your purpose.
Life is harder when you expect much from the world and little from yourself. Success starts with you.
Life is easier when you expect much from yourself and little from the world. Remember, no one is coming to change your life.
Half your problems are just your mind making smaller things seem bigger things. Remove fear and conquer all the hindrances.
Don’t let yourself be controlled by three things: people, money, or past experiences. Follow your passion first and money will follow you.
In every challenge or even tragedy, there is opportunity. And if you train yourself to look for opportunity, you can take control of the situation and even turn it into something positive or, if it can’t turn into something good, at least something good could come out of it.
Give thanks every day, because even if you think you have no reason to give thanks, your “normal” day is someone else’s dream.
Dr Manners Msongelwa is an author, teacher and youth coach. He can be contacted on +263771019392